Mon 27 Jan
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, In your arms ;))
*** DaRk && LOveLy wAitiNG 4 U w/$40 SpeCial!!!*** (Visiting From Bay Area) - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia)
INCALLS !! ...INCALLS...[#1 Provider] EC's Favorite Sweetheart [NO Bait and Switch!] - 27
(Eastern NC, Jacksonville/New Bern/Morehead/Havelock)
Click here.. [[€ xotic, Curv ¥, $€ x ¥, R€ad¥f0r ¥0u]]... Click here - 22
(Paramount, Paramount, Downey)
{CLiCk Me} **NEW FREAK in ToWn ** ViDeO ViXen BeAuTy •• AiM To PLeAsE •• WaiTiNg FoR U ••••••••••••• - 22
(Long Beach, Fwy605/FIRESTONE)
Let me please you with my suductive skills;) available all night and morning 614-556-2076 - 20
(Columbus, west)
Sexi Blonde Fine brunett★ 8657739419 ☆SEXI PICS available now♥ 2Girl Special 150 $ - 24
(Knoxville, North Knoxville close to downtown)
♡♢♡ I Wanna Play With You ☆ Exciting Girl Eager to Please You Now! 252-622-0439 - 24
(Eastern NC, Jacksonville Incall)
°•♥•° I'm °•♥•° Just °•♥•° What °•♥•° You °•♥•° Need °•♥•° - 23
(Eastern NC, Goldsboro Incall & OutCalls)
Satisfy your sweet tooth with Thick Chocolate - 28
(Memphis, east,germantown,olive branch, Third/cas)
"CHECK iT OUT" ➪ * PRETTY SPaNiSh HoTTiE * : ❤ WeEkEnD 80 SPeCiALS - 22
(INCaLLs.. ★ Downey/Norwalk)
:::>>///// !'M TH3 M@!N SH0W & TH3 @FT3R P@RTY! ::: L3T M3 ENT3RT@!N Y0U! \\\\\>>:::MuLTi FuN!! - 22
sarah&pinky.; -new girl buy 1 get 1 free ///160// 2 girls full hour 100% real pics - 19
(Bronx, pelham prkw whiteplains rd #2 train)
★ RuBy ReD Ms PrEtTy Ms HoNeY & SpEcAiL ★ 347-791-7573 24HRS - 19
(Bronx, 167 GND-CON && 192 ST NICK IN-OUTCALLS)
D.P.D.P.D.PD.P D.PD.PD.PD.P D.P DOUBLE THE PLEASURE! XXX erotic,24/7lets get freaky daddy! - 28
(Long Beach)
🔹🔹🔹 Sexy*** Seductive***Tantalizing ***Unforgettable ***Well Reviewed*** Sizzling Summer Specials🔹🔹🔹 - 28
(Memphis, Memphis - INCALLS ONLY - Cordova area)
Divorcing mother of 2... Lonely milf who enjoys u as much as u will enjoy me. 💝 - 23
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Outcall anywhere party is cc ok)
💋 RICAN😉👅 Put Me 🆙 2 The Test 👅 🙏I CaNT Lie🙏 I'm The Best 💯❤️ 💥PORN STYLE💥💰 ★👌💦💦 - 20
(Bronx, out to you)
▓►D_R_€_A_M_ •★• _G_!_R_L◄▓ S€XY_ CʉRvY_ P€T!T€_ BʉRN€TT€ ▓ R€ADY R!GHT NØW (( §P€C!AL§ )) Stacii;* - 20
(Long Beach, *Upscale* DOWNEY // (( INCALL ONLY )))
☏₵lick me ♥call me ¤♡* enjoy¤♡* me* ♥♥★AVAiLABLE NoW! $pecials-call now princess 313~740~9246 - 26
(Cleveland, 480/271 sourounding areas east)
cuM PlaY Wit ThIs yUmMy ► PuErToRiCaN /HaWaiiAn HuNni ::♥:: aLL iNcLuSiVe ** LeT$ PLAY!! - 20
(Torrance..South Bay...Carson...405/91)
°Lunch Special°In&OutCall; Avail° 🎀 Highly Reviewed 🎀 👯Audrey👯 💏REAL Companionship💏 🚫NO DRAMA🚫 - 23
(Memphis, ●Memphis & Surrounding ● IN & OUTCALL ●)
【JuiCyBooTy】↹↹【LusCious THighs】↹【SOft LíPs】 ↹↹【GoOd AtTiTuDe】↹↹ ReaL Pictures★MIXED - 20
(Houston, 45 & Hobby Airport)
Let it rain with Sparkles Rain lets bring in the week together 901-438-9699 - 35
(Memphis, Midtown Memphis)
🔵📼🔵📼📼📼🔵📼🔵๏人 ๏ H OT ¥OUNG Latina Asian💋 Filipina(๏人 ๏ OILY Bod¥2Bod¥(๏人 ๏ 🔵📼🔵📼📼📼 - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Pico Rivera / Bell Gardens)
——— *★*——— BUSTY ——— *★*——— NEW ——— *★*——— ASIAN ——— *★*——— JULIE ——— *★*——— - 23
(Irvine, lrvine - 405fwy jamboree exit)
***** L A S T___ D A Y.......IN Town *** Sexy Busty**** S I C I LI AN *** C A LI**P R I N C E SS____ - 22
(The Galleria area)
NEW IN TOWN (EXOTIC ) °°•★•°° (SPANISH)°°•★•°° (SEXY) °°•★•°° (BARBIE) - 21
Kinky * Nasty * Caramel * Be auty ((($60FREA KY* FRIDAYS$60) ))Kinky * Nas ty * Caramel * Beauty - 26
(Houston, +45/North@Beltway=8+Incalls&Outcalls;)
S Q U I R T-N -- L A T I N A !!!! M U A Y -- F R E A K Y !!!!!!! outcalls - 19
(Westchester, westchester/bronx)
YOUR PLACE🎀💎 Sexy Slippery & Tight 💦🙈K!NkY Latina 100% Real 💕24/7💕 Hablo Espanol 💎🎀 TU CASA - 21
(Antioch, East Bay, Walnut Creek Concord Pittsburg Antioch)
~ReadY Too Be bAdd** And MakE yoU feEl Soo GooD~CurvY ChocoLate BricKhOusE* AvailablE Now! - 24 - 24
(Bronx, University & Surrounding In & OutCall)
💋,💥YES I'm 100% Real 💥 I'm a Gorgeous Spanish Cutie Pie 💋,💥 Amazing skills 💋,💥 - 23
(Anywhere --- Anytime, Concord, East Bay, Hayward, San Mateo)
____Kinky SEXY Hott Azz Zoey ------- Ready Anytime ___ Real & Reviewed ___ Memphis Best Right HERE - 24
(Memphis, millington tn,west memphis ar,lakeland)
100% ReaL ~*~ FuN SiZed BLondE PlayMaTe ~*~ ReaDy FoR You ~*~ CLick HeRe FoR SpeCiaLs ~*~ No RuSH - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk~Cerritoes~Bellflower)
$100 ******* __* Beautiful Blonde *__* All Natural *__* and *__* Delicious *__: ****** $100 - 22
(* 91 , 605 , 710 fwys *)
Karley is BACK!★♥⇨⇨Come and Play with ME tonight :)) !!! ~]]]] 100% Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed ♥♥ - 21
(Memphis, Memphis +)
________ busty _________ COSTA MESA INCALL ________ babe _______ - 33
(Orange County, Costa Mesa Incall)
100 {SiNFuL} ❤ {SeXY}❤ {SaTiSFYiNG} ❤{SiMPLY IRR£SI§TIßL€} ❤ - 24
(LAX, OC, Artesia, Wherever you are, Long Beach)
_____________BUBBLY , ALL NATURAL & SWEET......... I Just look I.N.N.O.C.E.N.T.... But Im not!!!! - - 20
(Huntington Beach, Orange County, seal bch,costa mesa,anahiem,stanton)
🔥Brunette🔥CURVY in all the right places 🔥Nice Big BOOTY BRUNETTE🔥Young Beautiful Goddess 🔥100% Real - 18
(Costa Mesa, Newport & Irvine, Orange County)
♥Hot Hump Day Specials⇨Sneak Away To Come Play ♥⇨Truely The Best Treatment Ever! Hot Sexy Brunette!♥ - 29
(Columbus, Worthington)
💕💓💕$100 HHR new Latina 💕💓%100 real pics Cerritos - 19
(Artesia Cerritos Buena Park Anaheim, Cerritos, Long Beach)
#1 LeAdER iN OuTcALl SpEcIaLS in the area call now 562 507 8386 - 24
****** Let My Pinkness Be Your Weakness !!!!!!! Having Specials !!! ****** - 22
( NEW ADD¡Ct¡V€ ) ★ ( BLoNd€) ★ ( CuT¡€ w/ BooTy ) ★ ( 38 F BooBies ) - 21
(Bronx, Bronx Incall (( Hutchinson River Pkwy )))
★ #1 EB0Ny BARBiE ☆[[ EXOTIC ¤ HOTTie][60¤ 100¤ 160¤ SPECIALS ]] CALL NOW - 22
(Long Beach, long beach ca)